Well now, it has been quite the busy couple weeks. I launched of my new website www.BigPicPhoto.com, I created the graphic design for my handouts and business cards, and I prepared some high resolution slideshows for the Bridal Fair last weekend. I’ve been pretty swamped. But it was worth it. The bridal show went very well and I handed out …
My Style
I was trying to think about what kind of pictures I like to take and it got me thinking. Do I have a style? Can my friends look at a picture and say, “I bet Andrew took that” ? When I have time to make a picture the way that I want to, I think I have more of a …
Pinnacles Provincial Park
I posted some landscape photos yesterday of the sandstone hoodoo’s in the Pinnacles Provincial park. It was awesome to be able to see something so different like that and not have to travel very far (2 hours from PG to Quesnel). I’m so lucky to live in a place where there are amazing sights that aren’t very far away. Morgan, …
Cory and Annie – Wedding Slideshow
Here is an Animoto slideshow of my favourite pictures and video clips from Cory and Annie’s wedding. Music by Train – Hey, Soul Sister.
Cory and Annie – Dr Sun Yat Sen Garden
The best of Cory and Annie’s wedding photos from July 3rd, 2010.